Function of remote control

Direct Music Search

Searching the music by entering the file number.

1Enter Direct Music Search modePress the [DIRECT] button on the remote control.2Enter the music numberPress the number buttons on the remote control.3Search the music

Press the [4] or [¢] button.

Cancelling Direct Music SearchPress the [DIRECT] button.

Direct Music Search cannot be performed during playing of Zune/ “Music Editor” media, Random play, or scan play.

USB Setting

You can select following USB Setting items.

1Select USB source

2Enter Menu List mode Press the [MENU] button.

3Turn the [Volume] knob and press it when the desired item is displayed.

Select “Settings”.

4Select the setting item

Turn the [Volume] knob and press it when the desired item is displayed.









“Skip Search”*1

Sets the ratio of skip performed with <Skip



Search> (page 16).




“0.5%”/ “1%”/ “5%”/ “10%”


“Device F/W

Display the version of the firmware of this unit.







“Device F/W

Updates the firmware. The update information



will be posted on the following URL as necessary.






: Factory setting)

*1 Selectable when Music Editor media or Zune is used.

5Exit Menu List mode

Press the [MENU] button for at least 1 second, and then press it again briefly.

The setting of “Skip Search” in <iPod Setting> (page 9) and that in <USB Setting> (page 17) are always the same. Changing the setting of one reflects the other.

English 17