Troubleshooting Guide







The memory is erased when

The battery cable has not been connected to the proper

Connect the cable correctly, referring to the section on

the ignition is turned off.


"Connecting Cables to Terminals".





The ignition and battery cable are incorrectly connected.

Connect the cable correctly, referring to the section on



"Connecting Cables to Terminals".




The TEL mute function does

The TEL mute cable is not connected properly.

Connect the cable correctly, referring to the section on

not work.


"Connecting Cables to Terminals".




The TEL mute function turns on

The TEL mute cable is touching a metal part of the car.

Pull the TEL mute cable away from the metal part of the

even though the TEL mute



cable is not connected.






External disc control mode







The disc control mode cannot

No cable has been connected to the disc changer input

Connect the cable to the disc changer input terminal on

be selected.

terminal on the unit.

the unit.




The specified disc does not

The specified CD is very dirty.

Clean the CD.

play, but another one plays



The CD is upside-down.

Load the CD with the labelled side up.






The disc is loaded in a different slot from that specified.

Eject the disc magazine and check the number for the



specified disc.





The disc is severely scratched.

Try another disc instead.




The sound skips.

Something is touching the disc changer.

Remove whatever is touching it.





The CD is scratched or dirty.

If skipping happens at the same place when the car is



stopped, something is wrong with the CD. Clean the CD.




The display shows that the

The computer chip in the unit is not functioning normally.

Press the reset button on the unit (see page 4).

changer is being played, but no



sound can be heard.



The specified track does not play.

Random play or magazine random play has been selected.

Turn off the random play or magazine random play function.

If the following situations, consult your nearest service centre:

Even though the disc changer is connected, the Disc Changer Mode is not on, with "AUX" showing in the display during the Changer Mode.

Even though no device (KCA-S210A, CA-C1AX, KDC-CPS85, KDC-CX85, KDC-CPS82 or KDC-CX82) is connected, the AUX Mode is entered when switching modes.

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