Kenwood MX310 series white chocolate mousse serves, walnut, almond & hazelnut biscuits, recipes

Models: MX320 series MX310 series

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white chocolate mousse serves 4

175g (6oz) white chocolate,

1.25ml (14 tsp) lemon juice

broken into pieces

225ml (8fl oz) double cream

90ml (3fl oz) milk

grated plain chocolate, to decorate

2 egg whites


1Place the chocolate in a large bowl set over a pan of simmering water, until melted. Stir in the milk and set aside.

2Using the whisk on speed 6, whip the egg whites and lemon juice until stiff, then using a metal spoon fold into the chocolate mixture, until well combined.

3Using the whisk on speed 6, whip the double cream, until it forms soft peaks. Gently fold into the chocolate mixture.

4Divide the mousse between four glasses and chill for at least 2 hours. Sprinkle with grated chocolate and serve.

walnut, almond & hazelnut biscuits

makes 20 biscuits


(4oz) hazelnuts


(2oz) chopped walnuts

5 egg yolks

finely grated rind of 1 orange


(4oz) caster sugar


(2oz) flaked almonds

2.5ml (12tsp) vanilla essence



1Preheat the oven to 150°C/300°F/Gas 2. Chop hazelnuts. Using the beater on speed 3-4, cream together the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla essence in the bowl. Add the walnuts, hazelnuts and orange rind.

2Line a baking sheet with baking parchment paper and spoon small amounts of the mixture onto the prepared sheet, pressing down slightly. There should be enough mixture for 20 biscuits.

3Sprinkle the flaked almonds over the biscuits, pressing in slightly and bake for 18-20 minutes, until golden brown. Leave to cool on the baking sheet then store in an airtight container.


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Kenwood MX310 series, MX320 series manual white chocolate mousse serves, walnut, almond & hazelnut biscuits, recipes