Kenwood MX310 series manual crushed blackberry syllabub serves, no bake lemon cheesecake, recipes

Models: MX320 series MX310 series

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crushed blackberry syllabub serves 4-6

300g/10oz ripe blackberries

300ml (12pt) double cream

75g/3oz caster sugar

30ml (2tbsp) brandy

finely grated rind and juice of 12 lemon

1Using the beater on speed 3, crush the blackberries with the sugar and lemon zest until you have knobbly, runny mush. Beat in the lemon juice and the cream.

2Change the beater to a whisk and on speed 5, whisk the mixture, adding the brandy when its beginning to thicken. Carry on whisking until thick and light, but still floppy.

3 Spoon into individual glasses. Either serve immediately or chill until ready to eat.

no bake lemon cheesecake

serves 6-8


(6oz) digestive biscuits

150g (5oz) caster sugar


(2oz) butter

grated rind and juice of 3 large lemons


(1oz) Demerara sugar

450ml (34pt) double cream


(12oz) full fat soft cheese

Fresh seasonal fruit, to decorate

1Finely crush digestive biscuits in a bag with a rolling pin. Melt the butter in a pan and add the Demerara sugar and biscuit crumbs and stir well to mix.

2Turn biscuit mixture into 20cm (8inch) round spring-form cake tin and press firmly with a spoon.

3Using the whisk on speed 2, beat the soft cheese and sugar together, until smooth. Gradually add lemon zest and juice and beat until well combined. Spoon into a separate bowl.

4Using the whisk on speed 5, whip the double cream until it forms soft peaks. Fold the whipped cream into the cheese mixture.

5Slowly pour cheese mixture into the cake tin so that it evenly covers biscuit bottom. Level surface, cover and leave in refrigerator overnight until well chilled and set.

6 Loosen tin side from cheesecake and slide onto plate. Decorate with seasonal fresh fruit.


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Kenwood MX310 series, MX320 series manual crushed blackberry syllabub serves, no bake lemon cheesecake, recipes