For in&liation when the dishwasher is to be left unused in freezing temperatures: Turn off electrical power and shut off water supply at the hand valve. Remove lower panel. Disconnect both inlet and outlet lines at the DRAIN valve. This permik water to drain from the dishwasher tank, pump and drain line. Disconnect both the inlet and outlet lines at the FILL valve. Make provisions to control water drained from unit. Reinstall lower panel. Turn on electrical power. Then, push door handle down to lock position and push “Normal Cycle” button. Let dishwasher run
through first
Connect drain and fill
Reinstall lower panel.
Turn on water and electrical supply. Then push button for cycle desired.
TROY. OHlO 45374
FORM 12106F (Rev. | F 12106E, | PAINTED | IN U.S.A. | |