running slide show, 22
safety, 47
scene modes (SCN), 10 SD/SDHC Card
inserting, 3 printing from, 36
search pictures, 20
select multiple pictures/videos, 27
self-timer, 12 set tag, 29 setting
AF zone, 30
long time exposure, 29, 32 picture size, 28, 29
video out, 32 white balance, 30
setting up the camera, 1 setup menu, 32
Share button, 32 sharpness, 31 shutter
problems, 40
slide show continuous loop, 22 running, 22
smart capture, 9 smart display, 32 smart find, 20 snow, 10 software
upgrading, 46 software downloader, 34 specifications, camera, 44 strap, 1
taking pictures, videos, 4 television, slide show, 23 text, 10
text, entering, 15 time, setting, 2 timer, shutter delay, 12 tips
battery guidelines, 48 care & maintenance, 46
transfer pictures, 34 trash can, deleting, 5 trimming a video, 26 troubleshooting, 38 turning camera on and off, 2 typing, 15
undelete, undo, 18