A/V out, 22
about this camera, 33 accessories
battery, 58 buying, 47 picture transfer, 44 printer dock, 45 SD/MMC card, 4
AF control, 30 album
set, 31
tagging pictures for, 42 aperture priority, 35 auto
enhancement, 18 flash, 9
focus framing marks, 6
backlight, 28 batteries
expected life, 58 extending life, 58 loading, 2 types, 58
beach, 27 burst, using, 12 button
delete, ii drive, 12, 13 EVF/LCD, ii
flash, i, 9 focus, 10 info, ii menu, ii, 28 review, ii, 16 share, ii zoom, ii, 8
C cable
audio/video, 22 USB, 44
camera sounds, 32 candle light, 28
care and maintenance, 56 children, 27
clock, setting, 3
connecting camera, 43 transfer to, 43
copy pictures
card to memory, 24 memory to card, 24
to computer via USB cable, 43 cropping pictures, 18
CRV3 battery, loading, 2 customer support, 53 customizing camera settings, 31