bizhub C203/C253/C353 2-5
Setup items by operation 2
2.2 Using PageScope Web Connection
%Specify settings for using PageScope Web Connection.

This manual describes how to specify settings required for each operation using PageScope Web


PageScope Web Connection is a device management utility supported by the HTTP server integrated into
the printer controller. Using a Web browser on a computer connected to the network, machine settings can
be specified and the status of the machine can be checked. Some settings can be specified from the
computer instead of from the machine control panel.
Specify the settings according to the following flowchart.

2.2.1 TCP/IP Settings

%Specify settings to use this machine in a TCP/IP network environment.
For details, refer to "Specifying general settings for TCP/IP-based communication" on page 2-3.
TCP/IP Settings
PSWC Settings
TCP Socket Setting
Use with SSL?
Yes No
SSL/TLS Setting