2–7: RADIAS Vocoder1
Here you can make vocoder-related settings for the
Only one instance of the vocoder function can be used
in each combination. It can be used on only one timbre.
Even if you’ve selected a RADIAS vocoder program in
four timbres, it is not the case that all four vocoders will

2–7a: Vocoder On/Off, Formant Motion

REC On/Off
Vocode r [Off, On]
Formant Motion REC [Off, On]
For details on these parameters, please see “6–1a: Vocoder
On/Off, Formant Motion REC On/Off” on page 42.

2–7b: Carrier Input

In Source 1 Select [Off, T01…T16]
This selects the timbre of the RADIAS program that will be
the input source to the carrier. Timbres whose Enable
RADIAS is on can be selected as input sources.
There will be no input if the program (P0: Play
Program) of the timbre you select here is not a RADIAS
program. If you want the input to the carrier to be a
timbre that’s not using a RADIAS program, or a timbre
other than the one selected here, you should use the
AUX bus. ( “AUX Bus (Send to RADIAS)” on
page 50)
For more information, see the diagram “Combination Audio
In (OSC&Vocoder) Source” on 51 page.
In Source 1 Level [000…127]
In Source 2 Select
[Audio In1, AUX Send L+R, AUX Send L, AUX Send R]
In Source 2 Level [000…127]
For details on these parameters, please see “6–1b: Carrier
Input” on page 42.

2–7c: Modulator

Modulator (Modulator Select)
[Audio, Formant Motion]
Source (Audio Source)
[Audio In2, AUX Send L+R, AUX Send L, AUX Send
Gate Sens (Gate Sensitivity) [000…127]
Threshold [000…127]
Select (Formant Motion Select)
[Formant Motion 00…Formant Motion 16]
Play Mode (Formant Motion Play Mode)
[Free Run, Trigger Reset]
For details on these parameters, please see “6–1c:
Modulator” on page 42.

2–7d: Out Mix

Vocoder Output Level [000…127]
Modulator Direct Mix [000…127]
Modulator HPF Gate [Disable, Enable]
Modulator High Mix [000…127]
For details on these parameters, please see “6–1d: Out Mix”
on page 43.

2–7: Menu Command

Write Formant Motion Data p.56
Copy Vocoder p.56