COMBI P3: Timbre Parameters3–1: MIDI T01–08,
3–2: MIDI T09–16
Here you can make MIDI settings for each timbre 1–16.
For details on the available parameters and menu
commands, please see “3–1: MIDI T01–08, 3–2: MIDI T09–
16” on page 149 of the M3 parameter guide.
3–3: OSC T01–08,
3–4: OSC T09–16
These settings specify how each timbre will be played.
3–3c: OSC
Timbre 01…16 (Timbre Number):
Force OSC Mode [PRG, Poly, MN, LGT]
Specifies the Voice Assign Mode (Program 1–1a) of the
RADIAS program selected
PRG: The Voice Assign Mode (☞p.25) settings of the
RADIAS program will be used.
Poly: The timbre will play polyphonically, regardless of the
settings of the RADIAS program.
MN (Mono): The timbre will play using a Voice Assign
Mode of Mono and a Trigger Mode of Multi, regardless of
the settings of the RADIAS program.
LGT (Legato): The timbre will play using a Voice Assign
Mode of Mono and a Trigger Mode of Single (☞p.25),
regardless of the settings of the RADIAS program.
If you’ve selected MN or LGT, the note priority order when
you play two or more keys will be according to the Priority
(Program 1-1a) setting of the program.
OSC Select [BTH, OS1, OS2]
This has no effect for RADIAS programs used by a timbre.
For more information, please see “OSC Select” on page 54 of
the M3 parameter guide.
Portamento [PRG, Off, 001...127]
Specifies the portamento for the RADIAS program used by
the timbre.
PRG: Portamento will be applied as specified by the
program settings.
Off: Portamento will be off, even if the original program
settings specified for it to be on.
001…127: Portamento will be applied with the portamento
time you specify here, even if it is turned off by the program
If the Status (Combination 3–1a) is set to INT, CC#05
(portamento time) message will be received and will
control and change these settings. These messages will
be received on the MIDI channel specified for each
timbre by MIDI Channel (Combination 2–1a).
3–5: Pitch T01–08,
3–6: Pitch T09–16
Here you can make pitch-related settings for each timbre 1–
3–5(6)a: Combination Name, Tempo
3–5(6)b: Timbre Info
For details on these parameters, please see “3–5(6)a:
Combination Name, Tempo 3–5(6)b: Timbre Info” on page
151 of the M3 parameter guide.
3–5(6)c: Pitch
Timbre 01 (Timbre Number):
Transpose [–60…+00…+60]
Adjusts the pitch in semitone steps for the RADIAS program
used by the timbre. A setting of +12 is one octave.
The actual pitch sounded by the program is determined by
adding this value to the Transpose setting (Program 2-2a) of
the RADIAS program used by the timbre. However, a
RADIAS program cannot be transposed farther than +/-48.
Values below -48 are treated as -48, and values above +48 are
treated as +48.
For more information, please see “Transpose” on page 151
of the M3 parameter guide.
(Use BPM Adjust in Menu)
Adjusts the pitch in one-cent units from the normal pitch for
the RADIAS program used by the timbre.
The actual pitch sounded by the program is determined by
adding this value to the Tune (cents) setting (Program 2-2a)