Using the [PITCH] and [MOD] wheels

[PITCH] wheel:
Normally this wheel is used for bending the pitch.
Pushing the wheel up will bend the pitch up (sharp);
pulling the wheel down will bend the pitch down
(flat). When the wheel is in the center position, no
pitch bend effect is produced. When released, the
wheel will return to the center position.
[MOD] wheel:
This wheel allows you to manually control the modulation depth. As you
push the wheel up, the modulation depth will increase. As you pull the
wheel down, the modulation depth will decrease. At the lowest setting,
no modulation is applied from this wheel.
The [PITCH] and [MOD] wheels can be used as virtual patch
sources, they can produce a variety of effects other than described
above. (p.45)

Using the OCTAVE SHIFT UP and DOWN buttons

You can use these buttons to shift the range of the keyboard, in one-
octave units over a range of +/-3 octaves.
C6–C9 UP lit redC5–C8 UP lit orangeC4–C7 UP lit greenKey operationPress UP keyKey operationPress DOWN keyC3–C6 darkC2–C5 DOWN lit greenC1–C4 DOWN lit orangeC0–C3 DOWN lit redKeyboard range Key LED

Using the keyboard

Keyboard Tracking:
Keyboard tracking uses the position of the note on the keyboard to affect
the sound. Normally, this is used to brighten the sound as you play
upward, or to create differences in volume between high and low notes.
The dynamic strength with which you play the keyboard can affect the
Normally, your dynamics will affect the tone and volume.
Since velocity and keyboard tracking can be used as a virtual patchsource, you can use them to produce a variety of effects other thanthose described above. (p.45)The R3’s keyboard does not generate aftertouch data.Synth programs
Middle C on a
piano is C4 (MIDI
note number 60)
Octave Shift settings and note numbers
(96) C8
(108) C9
(120) G9
(116) C9
(72) C6
(48) C4
(24) C2
(0) C0
Octave Shift not used
+1 octave
+2 octaves
+3 octaves
-3 octaves
-2 octaves
-1 octave