Knob [1]
Mode [Single, Layer, Split, Multi]
This parameter determines how many tim-
bres a program will use, and how those
timbres will be allocated. This parameter
cannot be selected for a vocoder program.
Single: Only one timbre will be used
(☞Figure 1-1).
Layer: Two timbres will be used. When you
play the keyboard, both timbres will sound
You can edit each timbre indi-
(☞Figure 1-2)
Split: Split: Two timbres will be used. You
can specify a range of notes for each tim-
bre, and play each timbre from a different
area of the keyboard. Each timbre can be
edited separately (☞Figure 1-3).
Multi: Multi: Two timbres will be used.
This mode is mainly used when playing
the R3 from an external MIDI device. Each
timbre can be edited separately.
Knob [2]
SplitKey (Split Key) [C-1…G9]
This parameter is available only when the
“Mode” parameter is set to Split. Timbre 1
will play the notes that are below the speci-
fied note number, and timbre 2 will play
the notes that are above it.
T2MIDIch (Timbre 2 MIDI channel)
[Global, 01…16]
When the “Mode” is set to either Layer or
Multi, this parameter can be used to set the
MIDI channel for timbre 2.
If you choose the Global, the MIDI chan-
nel of timbre 2 will match the global MIDI
Timbre1 will always be set to the Glo-
bal MIDI channel. You can specify the
timbre1 MIDI channel by setting the
42. MIDI page parameter “MIDI Ch.”
Knob [3]
Assign [Mono1, Mono2, Poly]
This parameter specifies how notes will be
articulated from the keyboard (or MIDI
Mono1: The timbre will play monophoni-
cally. If you continue holding down the key
you first pressed, the EG will not retrigger
when you play the second and subsequent
keys. Use this setting when you want to
play legato (☞Figure 1-4).
Mono2: The timbre will play monophoni-
cally. The EG will be retriggered each time
you press a key (☞Figure 1-4).
Poly: The program will play polyphoni-
cally, allowing you to play chords. The
maximum polyphony is eight voices.
Figure 1-1: Single
Figure 1-2: Layer
Figure 1-3: Split
Figure 1-4: “Assgin” Mono1, Mono2
Mono 1
Mono 2
Note on Note on
Here you can make settings that apply to the entire program, and settings that specify how each timbre will sound. Knob
[1] specifies whether you'll be using only one timbre (Single) or two timbres and how they will be used (Layer, Split, or
Multi). Here you can also specify whether the timbre currently selected by the TIMBRE SELECT keys will play mono-
phonically or polyphonically, and how it will be retriggered.
If you simultaneously press more keys than the specified number of voices, the last-pressed key will take priority.