Returning a parameter to its original value.
When editing, you can always return any edited parameter to its origi-
nal value. Simply rotate the knob assigned to that parameter until the
ORIGINAL VALUE LED remains steadily lit.
If you select another program or re-select the same program while
you are editing, all your edits will be lost, unless you first save any
changes you have made. Changes you make to these settings will
also be lost if you turn the power off, so you must Write them if you
want to keep your changes.
Editing each timbreA program can use up to two timbres. A timbre consists of the param-
eters in pages 1. Voice–30. Ins FX2. In order to edit a parameter, you must
first select the timbre that you want to edit (the [TIMBRE 1] or [TIMBRE
2] button will blink).
The 1. Voice page parameters “Mode” apply to the entire program.
Using both timbres (Layer)
When using two timbres, you can select one of three modes according to
your needs, but here we’ll set “Mode” to Layer.
Turn the [PAGE] dial to select the 1. Voice page, and turn
[1] knob to
select Layer.
Selecting the timbre to edit
If you are editing a program that uses both timbres, here’s how to select
the timbre to edit.
❍Press the TIMBRE SELECT [TIMBRE1] button to select timbre 1 as the
timbre that you want to edit.
TIMBRE SELECT [TIMBRE1] button will light. Your editing will affect
the selected timbre.
Listening to only one timbre (Solo)
For a program that uses both timbres, you can use the Solo function to
hear just one timbre. This is convenient when you want to hear just one
timbre while you edit.
1Hold down the [SHIFT] button and press the TIMBRE SELECT [TIM-
BRE 1] button.
Your editing will apply to Timbre 1, and only Timbre 1 will sound.
2If you want only Timbre 2 to sound, hold down the [SHIFT] button
once again and press the TIMBRE SELECT [TIMBRE 2] button.
Your editing will apply to Timbre 2, and only Timbre 2 will sound.
3If you want to cancel the Solo function, hold down the [SHIFT] button
and press the blinking [TIMBRE 1] or [TIMBRE 2] button.
The Solo state cannot be saved.
Exchanging and copying the settings of the timbres
(SHIFT function)
You can exchange the settings of the two timbres, or copy the timbre
settings from another program. (☞p.75)
Basic editing