10. FILTER2-AHere you can adjust the settings of the filter 2 parameters. The 8. Filt1-A page “Routing1” parameter (knob [4]) specifies how filter 2 and filter 1
will be connected. You can edit the Filter 2 parameters in the 10. Filt2-A page and 11. Filt2-B page.
The filter 2 parameters are not shown if “Routing1” is Single.
Knob [1]
Cutoff2 (Filter2 Cutoff) [000...127]
This is the same as for FILTER 1 (☞p.32).
Knob [2]
Reso2 (Filter2 Resonance) [000...127]
This is the same as for FILTER 1 (☞p.32).
Knob [3]
Type2 (Filter2 Type) [LPF, HPF, BPF, COMB]
Selects the filter type.
LPF, HPF, BPF: These are the same filter
type as for filter 1 (☞p.32).
COMB: In a comb filter (so named for its
resemblance to the teeth of a comb), alter-
nating bands pass and cut the signal, giv-
ing a unique character to the sound. In-
creasing the cutoff frequency (“Cutoff2”
value) will space the teeth of the comb far-
ther apart, so that more regions are cut.
COMB (Comb Filter)