Kramer Electronics 1.9.2902, Software Version 1.9. 2902 Settings Tab for the Administrator

Models: Software Version 1.9. 2902 1.9.2902

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2.3 The Settings Tab

The settings tab is mainly intended for the administrator. The user can only set the language (English or Russian) and check the Write Minor Log Events box.

The Settings tab lets you set an e-mail notification in case of a defined event for a certain room or certain type of problem, and set the Handshake interval between the different rooms. Figure 3 and Table 2 define the features and functions of the settings tab. Figure 4 shows the Settings tab for the user.

Figure 3: The Settings Tab – for the Administrator

Figure 4: The Settings Tab – for the User


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Kramer Electronics 1.9.2902, Software Version 1.9. 2902 manual Settings Tab for the Administrator