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P/N: 2900- 300187

Rev: 1

Page 15
Image 15
Kramer Electronics SPK-C612 user manual 2900

SPK-C612 specifications

Kramer Electronics, a leader in the field of professional audio-visual solutions, has crafted the SPK-C612 to meet the demanding needs of modern AV applications. This high-performance loudspeaker is designed to deliver impressive sound quality while offering flexibility and ease of integration into various environments.

One of the standout features of the SPK-C612 is its exceptional sound clarity. The speaker utilizes advanced audio technologies that enable it to produce a wide frequency range, ensuring that every note and nuance is faithfully reproduced. This makes it an excellent choice for environments such as conference rooms, classrooms, and auditoriums where clear communication is essential.

The SPK-C612 is equipped with a robust 6.5-inch woofer and a 1-inch tweeter, providing a balanced audio experience with powerful bass response and crisp high frequencies. This two-way design helps to minimize distortion and enhance overall audio fidelity. Additionally, the speaker supports a wide variety of audio formats, making it versatile for different media applications.

Ease of installation is one of the key characteristics of the SPK-C612. It features a compact design that allows for easy mounting on walls or ceilings, making it ideal for both permanent installations and temporary setups. The speaker is also designed to be used in conjunction with various Kramer AV systems, ensuring seamless compatibility and integration.

Another notable technology aspect is the inclusion of a built-in protection circuitry, which safeguards the speaker from potential damage due to overloading or excessive heat. This feature not only prolongs the lifespan of the speaker but also ensures consistent performance during prolonged use.

The SPK-C612 also supports multiple connectivity options, including standard speaker connections that make it easy to integrate with existing systems. Its impedance ratings and power handling capabilities make it a perfect match for amplifiers in different setups, allowing for customization based on specific audio needs.

In summary, the Kramer Electronics SPK-C612 is a robust and versatile loudspeaker that excels in delivering high-quality audio across various applications. With its advanced sound technologies, user-friendly installation features, and compatibility with numerous AV systems, it stands out as an excellent choice for professionals seeking reliable audio solutions in any setting. Whether used independently or as part of a larger multimedia system, the SPK-C612 delivers the performance and flexibility required by today's audio demands.