You can connect your PocketComm to a cordless phone that has a 2.5mm audio headset jack, and
enjoy the freedom of making a call around the house. Charge the cordless phone at night to ensure
a fully charged battery.
1. Connect the PocketComm to the
cordless phone by using the
provided 2.5mm audio cable.
2. Turn on the PocketComm.
3. Press ‘ON’, ‘Talk’or ‘send’
button and watch the red light to
make sure you get a dial tone.
4. Dial the number on the
cordless keypad.
5. If the other TTYor Relay Agent
picks up, your PocketComm will
start to display the text. The
conversation has begun.
Refer to chapter 1 for PocketComm VCO user. If you are HCO user, A“Y” splitter and a headset
will be used to conduct the sound from the mobile phone out. These devices are not included.
There are many new technologies that have been used to establish the wireless communication
link between you and the other TTYusers. Sometimes, you will get some problems by many
different causes. Garbled text causes high errors in receiving of a TTY. The signal may miss one
or two characters but the receiving display may show some numbers or exclamation marks, etc.
for a long period of time. It is the nature of 5-bit Baudot code. It uses a code to toggle between
letter characters and number characters. If this code is missing in the transit, the rest of the
message will be in number mode until the next letter code is sent. If the character mode does not
change, the transmitter will send out letter code in every 80 characters. This procedure makes the
garbled text become unacceptable. If you are not using a lot of numbers and punctuation marks in
the conversation you can jump to letter mode only when receiving in bad condition. You may
need to set mix mode back if the other party sends you a phone number or the amount in number,
etc. Press (CTRL)+(J) to jump to letter mode. The display will show: ’[letter mode]’. Press space
bar to initialize the unit. Use (CTRL)+(S) to check the status of the mode:
[MOBILE] [ LET] [ 45B ]
To switch back to mix mode for receiving numbers and letters, press (CTRL)+(J) again. Do not
jump to letter mode if you are receiving well.