Here are some recipes you can make using your Espresseria Automatic:

Predstavljamo Vam nekoliko recepata koje možete iskoristiti koristeći Vaš aparat:

• Cappuccino

For a cappuccino in the rules of the art, the ideal proportions are as follows: 1/3 hot milk, 1/3 coffee, 1/3 milk froth.


• Caffe Latte

To make coffee with milk, also often called Latte Macchiato, the proportions are as follows: 3/5 hot milk, 1/5 coffee, 1/5 milk Za capuccino, idealne ,mjere su: 1/3 vrućeg mlijeka, 1/3 kave, 1/3 mliječne pjene.


• For these milk-based preparations, it is best to use cold skimmed milk straight from the refrigerator

· Caffe Latte

(ideally between 6 and 8° C).

• To finish off, you can sprinkle with cocoa.

Da napravite kavu s mlijekom,, često zvanu Latte Macchiato, mjere su: 3/5 vrućeg mlijeka, 1/5 kave, 1/5 mliječne pjene. Za ove mliječne pripravke, najbolje je upotrijebiti obrano mlijeko iz hladnjaka (između 6 i 8 ¨C) Za

• Café Crème

ukrašavanje, možete posuti kakaom.

• Prepare a conventional espresso in a large cup.

• Add a little cream to get a café crème.

· Café Créme

• Café corretto*

Pripremite uobičajeni espresso u velikoj šalici. Dodajte malo šlaga da napravite Café Créme.

• Prepare a cup of espresso as usual.

• Then add 1/4 or 1/2 of a liqueur glass of Cognac to taste.

· Café Corretto*

You can also use anisette, brandy, Sambuca, Kirsch or Cointreau.

There are many other ways to give some punch to your espresso.

Napravite šalicu kave kao obično. Dodajte ¼ ili ½ čaše za liker Cognac-a. Možete koristiti brandy, sambuku, Just use your imagination.

višnjevaču ili Cointroe. Postoji mnogo načina da obogatite Vaš espresso. Samo upotrijebite maštu.

• Coffee liqueur* · Coffee liquer*

• Mix 3 cups of espresso, 250 g of brown sugar candy and 1/2 litre of Cognac or Kirsch in an empty 0.75 litre bottle.

• Leave the mixture to macerate for at least 2 weeks.

Izmiješajte 3 šalice espressa, 250 gr. smeđeg šećera i ½ litre konjaka ili višnjevače u praznu bocu 0,75. Ostavite You will obtain a delicious liqueur. A real treat for coffee lovers

mješavinu najmanje 2 tjedna. Dobiti ćete ukusan liker. Pravi užitak za ljubitelje kave.

• Italian style iced coffee

· Ledena kava na talijanski način

4 scoops of vanilla ice-cream, 2 cups of espresso with sugar to taste, 1/8 l milk, fresh cream, grated chocolate.

• Mix the cold espresso with the milk.

4 kugle vanilija sladoleda, 2 šalice espresso zaslađene kave po ukusu, 1/8 mlijeka, svježi šlag, ribana čokolada.

• Serve the scoops of ice-cream into the glasses, pour the coffee onto them and decorate with fresh cream and Izmiješajte hladan espresso sa mlijekom. Poslužite kugle sladoleda u čaši, prelijte kavom i ukrasite svježim

grated chocolate.

šlagom i ribanom čokoladom.

• Coffee à la frisonne* · Kava la frissone

• Add a small glass of rum to a cup of sweetened espresso.

• Decorate with a good layer of fresh cream and serve.

Dodajte malu čašicu ruma u zaslađenu šalicu espressa. Ukrasite svježim šlagom i poslužite.

• Flambéed espresso*

· Flambirani espresso*

2 cups of espresso, 2 small glasses of Cognac, 2 teaspoons of brown sugar, fresh cream.

• Pour the Cognac into heat-resistant glasses, heat and light.

2 šalice espressa, 2 čašice Cognac-a, 2 žličice smeđeg šećera, svježi šlag. Ulijte Cognac u vatrostalnu čašu,

• Add the sugar, mix, pour in the coffee and decorate with fresh cream. zagrijte i zapalite. Dodajte šećer, ulijte kavu i ukarasite svježim šlagom.

• Espresso parfait* · Espresso parfait*

2 cups of espresso, 6 egg yolks, 200g sugar, 1/8 litre of sweetened fresh cream, 1 small glass of orange liqueur.

• Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until it forms a thick, frothy mass.

2 šalice espressa, 6 žumanjka, 200 gr. šećera, 1/8 l slatkog vrhnja, 1 čašica likera od naranče. Izmješajte žumanjke

• Add the cold espresso and the orange liqueur.

sa šećerom dok ne dobijete ujednačenu, pjenastu masu. Dodajte hladan espressso i liker od naranče. Sve to

• Then mix in the whipped fresh cream.

promiješajte u izmješano slatkom vrhnju. Mješavinu ulijte u čašu za šampanjac ili u običnu čašu. Stavite čašu u

• Pour the mix into saucer champagne glasses or ordinary. hladnjak.

• Put the champagne glasses in the freezer.

(*Prevelika količina alkohola je štetna za zdravlje) (*: Remember, over-indulgence in alcohol is bad for the health.)


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Krups EA 8025, EA 8050 manual Add the cold espresso and the orange liqueur, Then mix in the whipped fresh cream