If your product is equipped with our Claris - Aqua Filter System cartridge F088 - Please remove this
!!!Ako je Vaš uređaj opremljen Claris filterom za vodu F088, molimo Vas da ga uklonite tijekom ovog procesa. cartridge during the descaling operation.
TheKoličinaquantitykamencaof scaleovisidepositedo tvrdoći vodedepends. Uređajon ćetheVashardnessautomatskiof theupozoritiwater usedporukom. Thenaappliancezaslonu kadawill automaticallytrebate warn you with a message when you need to proceed with scale removal.
uklonite kamenac.
!!!Upozorenje:Caution! To benefitKada Vasfromuređajtheupozoriwarrantyda jeconditions,vrijeme za čišćenje,it is essentialpridržavajteto performse uputathedaappliancene biste poništiliscale jamstvoremoval. Voditecycle računawhen theda slijediteapplianceuputetellsza uporabu,you to dokorakso. Bepo koraksure .toMožetefollownastavitithe orderkoristitiof operationsVaš uređaj iako. je
žaruljicaYou canupaljena,continue alito preporučujemouse the appliancečišćenjebut youštoareje prijeadvisedmogućeto perform. the operation as soon as possible.
Za program uklanjanja kamenca biti će Vam potrebna posuda minimalnog kapaciteta 0,6l i KRUPS F054 (40 g) sredstvo za
To perform the cleaning program, you will need a recipient with minimum capacity of 0.6 litres and a KRUPS F 054 (40 g) čišćenje.
cleaning sachet.
Pritisnite „prog“ tipku da biste započeli
Press the key to start the automatic programcleaninguklanjanjaprogram whenkamencathe.“Scale„Scale removalremoval needed“needed”porukamessageće seis prikazatidisplayed. .
PratiteJust followuputethena instructionszaslonu i provjeriteshown daonlithese sredstvoscreen, makingza čišćenjesurerazgradilothe sachet. dissolves fully.
Program automatskog čišćenja je trodijelni proces. Proces uklanjanja kamenca i dva procesa ispiranja. Tipkom „Prog“ The scale removal program is in three parts – the scale removal cycle itself, then 2 rinsing cycles.
možete započeti proces čišćenja bilo kada. Nakon toga odaberite MAINTENANCE=>OK=>SCALE REMOVAL iz menija na
Press to perform cleaning at any time and then choose MAINTENANCE => OK => SCALE REMOVAL from the zaslonu.
menus displayed.
Only use KRUPS scale removal products, citric acid or tartaric acid. You can obtain scale removal products from
!!! Koristite samo KRUPS proizvode za uklanjanje kamenca, limunsku kiselinu ili vinsku kiselinu. Proces čišćenja KRUPS Service Centres. In no event must you use conventional starchy sulphonic acid or other products containing možete uraditi i u KRUPS servisu. Možete koristiti sulfatnu kiselinu ili proizvod koji sadrži sulfatnu kiselinu. Proizvođač that acid.
se neće smatrati odgovornim za štete ukoliko koristite neke druge preparate za čišćenje.
The manufacturer may not be held responsible for damage to the appliance through use of other products.
If the coffee grounds collector is not fitted you will be warned by a message being displayed. Fit the collector Akoagainposudafor thezacyclesakupljanjeto continueiskorišteneautomaticallykave nije. ispravno namještena, poruka na zaslonu će Vas upozoriti. Namjestite posuduIf a poweri odstranjivanjefailure occurskamencaduring ćethesecycle,nastavitiyou.willAkohavedođetodostartpadait električneagain rightenergije,from themoratibeginningćete.procesY u willzapočnetinot be
ispočetkaable to postpone. this operation.
Be sure to complete the entire scale removal cycle to avoid any risk of intoxication.
!!!Završite cijeli proces uklanjanja kamenca da biste izbjegli rizik od trovanja. Proces uklanjanja kamenca je
The scale removal cycle is a discontinuous cycle. Do not put your hands under the coffee outlets during the neprekidan proces. Ne stavljajte ruke ispod cjevčica za kavu tijekom procesa.
OsigurajteMake certainda sutoradneprotectpovršineyourzaštićenework surfacetijekomduringprocesacalečišćenja,removalnaročitocycles,akoesupeciallyod mramora,if theykamenaare madeili
drvetaof marble,. stone or wood.
Uvijek isključite uređaj iz utičnice i ostavite ga da se ohladi prije nego pristupite čišćenju.
Always remove the power supply cord from the socket and let your appliance cool down before cleaning it. Nemojte koristiti proizvode koji bi mogli oštetiti ili korozirati aparat.
Do not use utensils or cleaning products likely to scratch or corrode the appliance.
WipeObrišitethetijelobodyaparataof thekoristećiappliancevlažnuon thekrpuoutside. using a moist cloth.
Očistite posudu u koju voda kapa, posudu za otpatke i spremnik | Isperite spremnik za vodu |
iskorištene kave i očistite vrućom vodom i tečnim deterdžentom. | svježom vodom. |
Make certain that no foreign body like grit that may be found in the coffee beans has got into the container. Any damage due to foreign bodies that have got into the coffee container is outside the warranty.
Ovi dijelovi nisu podobni za pranje u perilici posuđa
Do not put water into the coffee bean container.
Remember to fit the drip tray to avoid waste water flowing onto the work surface and staining it or scalding you.