User Guide 11
1-Touch dialing
This feature is the fastest way to speed dial a
contact that has a speed dial location.
See “1-Touch dialing” on page44.

Configure your voicemail

Before your phone can receive voicemail
messages, you must set up a password and record
a personal greeting with your service provider.
When you have set up your voicemail, all
unanswered calls to your phone are automatically
transferred to voicemail, even if your phone is in
use or turned off.
1. Press and hold the 1 key.
2. Follow the system prompts to create a
password and record a greeting.

Check voicemail

When a voice message is received, your screen
displays a notification along with a voicemail
message icon at the top of your screen. The
symbol flashes if the message is urgent. If you see
a notification:
1. Select Call to call your voicemail number.
2. Follow the system prompts to retrieve the
Note: To clear the screen without checking
messages, select Ignore.
If you see only the voicemail message icon:
1. Select Menu > Messaging > Voicemail.
2. If you have set up your voicemail, select Call
to call your voicemail number.
3. Follow the system prompts to retrieve

Set voicemail alert

You can set the phone to beep or vibrate every five
minutes to remind you that you have voicemail.
For more information, see “Alerts” on page31.
Roaming calls

Control roaming calls

You can restrict your phone from making a call
when roaming. See “Roam option” on page48.

Set roaming alert

You can set the phone to alert you when you roam
outside of your home service area. See “Roaming
service alert” on page48.

Set roam ringer

You can set a ringer to indicate when an incoming
call is subject to roaming charges. See “Roam
ringer” on page40.

Set call guard

You can set the phone to warn you before you
answer or place a call while roaming. See “Roam
call alert” on page49. Pa ge 11 Monday, March 1 7, 2008 8:33 PM