Proceed with ٭HI AL٭ in the menu section.
(Similarly, setting of the LO alarms is here possible through touching
the ٭LO AL٭ key in this example.)
Adjusting the high alarm value with the key ٭UP٭ or ٭DOWN٭.
Proceed with ٭ON/OFF٭.
Activate or deactivate the alarm with ٭ON٭ or ٭OFF٭ key.
Terminate with ٭EXIT٭ key.
Note: Activation or deactivation of the alarm (Display or deletion of the
((())) symbol) only pertains to the respective presently
displayed value.
End of Example
Note: Touching the PRESSURE section twice toggles the displays of
the Relative (rel) and Absolute (abs) air pressure value.
All setting and display facilities only pertain to the respective
presently displayed value.