Weather data measuring range:
Indoor: | 14.2°F to 139.8°F with 0.1°F |
| resolution (0°C to 59.9°C with |
| 0.1°C resolution) “OFL” |
| displayed if outside this range |
Outdoor and dew point: | |
| resolution |
| with 0.1°C resolution) “OFL” |
| displayed if outside this range |
Wind chill: | |
| resolution |
| with 0.1°C resolution) “OFL” |
| displayed if outside range |
Indoor relative humidity | 1% to 99% with 1% resolution |
measuring range: | (“- |
| range |
Outdoor relative humidity | 1% to 99% with 1% resolution |
measuring range: | (“- - “ displayed if outside this |
| range |
Wind speed measuring range: | 0 to 111.8 mph (0 to 50 m/s) |
Weather data checking interval: |
Indoor temperature checking | Every 15 seconds |
interval: |
Indoor humidity checking | Every 20 seconds |
interval: |
Outdoor temperature checking | Every 128 seconds |
interval (remote |
temperature/humidity sensor): |
Outdoor humidity checking | Every 128 seconds |
interval: |
Wind speed checking interval: | Average of 128 seconds with |
| highest gust |
Outdoor temperature, humidity | Every 128 seconds |
and wind speed reception |
(indoor weather station): |
Transmission range: | 300 feet (in open space) |
Power Supply: |
Indoor weather station: | 3 x AA, IEC LR6, 1.5V |
Remote temperature/humidity | 2 x AA, IEC LR3, 1.5V |
sensor: |
Remote wind speed sensor: | Supplied by remote |
| temperature/humidity sensor |
Battery life cycle: | Approximately 12 months |
Recommended battery type: | Alkaline |
Dimensions (H x W x D): |
Indoor weather station: | 9” x 4.62” x 1.25” |
| (227 x 117.4 x 31.2 mm) |
Remote temperature/humidity | 5.4” x 2.25” x 2.25” |
sensor: | (137 x 56.2 x 56.2 mm) |
Remote wind speed sensor: | 7.5” x 2.2” x 2.2” |
| (191.2 x 55.8 x 56 mm) |