∙Check that the power supply cable is not damaged or defective. If there is a problem, do not use the machine under any circumstances. The power supply cable must be replaced by the manufacturer or by one of its service centres.
| Payattentiontothepositionofthecableduringi | nstallation, it must |
| not be: |
- |
| ahindrancetopersonsorthings |
- | crushed,pressedorplacedonsharpsurfaces |
| |
- | bentforcefully |
| |
- | placednearhotsurfaces |
| |
- | immersed,orplacednearwaterorotherliquids |
| |
- | woundarounditselfwhenthemachineisinoperat | ion | |
- | tamperedwith. |
It is important to ensure that no children can touch the machine!
∙The machine can be dangerous for children and must be made inaccessible to them. If not used or if left unattended, it must be deactivated.
∙Do not leave any materials used for packing the machine within the reach of children.
∙Do not insert any objects through the machine openings (Danger! Electric current!).
∙Do not touch the plug and the cable while the machine is in
operation; do not unplug by pulling the cable.
∙∙ The parts near the dispensing zone can be very hot. Caution! Risk of burns from contact.
Before starting any cleaning on the machine, ensure | that it is switched off |
andthattheplugisunplugged. |
Waitseveralminutestoallowthecomponentstocoo ldown.
Donotinsertanyobjectsintheholesofthemachi ne.
In the event of failures, defects, suspected defects or if the machine is dropped, immediately unplug the plug from the power outlet. Never start a defective machine.
Only the Authorised Service Centre or the Manufacturer can make repairs.
In the event of repairs that are not well made, we decline all responsibility for any damage.
The directive WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) indicates that electrical and electronic products must be disposed of separately from normal
urbanwasteandsimilar. Theaimistosendthewas | teto |
authorised waste disposal centres, for the purpose | of |
promotingwaysofrecoveringorrecycling. |
The directive includes also the accessories, the po | wer |
supplycables,etc |
Tocorrectlydisposeoftheseproducts,followthe regulationsprovidedby the municipal authority and/or request further info rmation from your dealerwhenpurchasinganewproduct.