Pay attention now, the display will indicate the | me | ssage “READY |
SEL.PRODUCT“ and at this point it will be possible | to dispense the desired | |
drinkbypressingthecorrespondingbutton. |
Inordertokeepthemachineefficientandensurea longlasting
duration,itissufficienttotakesomesimpleprec autions.
When switching the machine on, everynow and thend uringthe
course of the day and before switching it off, clea nthemixer bypressingtherinsebutton.
Every day, at the end of the day, disassemble the parts that compose the mixer unit (‘X’,‘Y’,‘Z’,‘K’,‘J’and the internal plastic impeller ‘W’) and thereforewashthemwithhotwater.
The figure is only an example; theshapeoftheelementsmay vary according to the product tobemixed.
Periodicallywashthewatertankandreplacethewa ter.
Usingasoftclothdampwithwarmwater,cleanthe outsideofthesoftener filterandtheintaketubetowhichitisfitted.
N.B.: The softener filter operates correctly up to 35 litres of water, after which it must be replaced.
The machine will indicate on the display the end of | the recommended filter | |
autonomy; after replacing the filter to reset the m | essage, press and keep | |
pressedtherinsebuttonofmixer | A. |
Under no circumstances proceed by disassembling the machine.
Periodicallyitmaybeusefultodescalethecircui tusingaspecificproductfor coffee machines, of the NON TOXIC type. Normally available in major stores.
Warning! Under no circumstances use vinegar for descaling.
Afterusingtheproduct,thoroughlywashthewater tankandrinsethecircuit
bydispensingwateronlycontinuously,usingafew timesthemaximumcapacity ofthewatertank.