LTRx-512 User’s Guide
Your LTRx-512 knows the daylight savings time (DST) settings for over 75 countries. By
using the 2-digit “country code”, your LTRx-512 will automatically adjust for daylight savings
time. If you own the LTR8-512 or LTR8-512M and if your nation does not appear in the
Country Code list or if the dates for Daylight Savings in your country have changed, you can
choose code ‘00’ and use the optional LTR MasterLink software to program when the clock
adjustments should occur.
[8]=Change Schedule
Use this function to run a schedule that you setup in function [4]=PROGRAM SCHEDULE.
Enter your password (#0#), then press [#][8][#] to change a schedule. You will see a display
similar to the following:
In the above example, the display shows that Schedules #1, #2 and #5 are all active now. You
can think of this as 3 schedules of up to 64 events used together to make 1 large schedule of up
to 192 events
Press [1] - [8] to select the schedules you wish activated immediately. The [0] key turns all
schedules off. When the ACTIVE NEW line shows the schedules that you want active, press
[#]. Be sure that all schedules that you want active show on this line, even if they were already
active. You will see
Press [#] again, and your choices on ACTIVE NEW will activate now. Or, press [*] to cancel
without making any changes
Schedules that you make active here will stay active until you change them again or until the
Date and Time of the next Schedule Change [5] is to occur.
[9]=Sync Clocks
Use this function to quickly sync any secondary clocks that lose time. This can occur if power
to your LTRx-512 stayed on while power to the secondary clocks stopped.
Note: This function is primarily used during initial installation of the secondary system, if there
has been maintenance of the system requiring the power to be turned off, or other special
circumstance. The Master Clock should keep your secondary clocks on time based on the type
and style of correction the system is using.