- rg o LEICAin your honds-

r_ , L we hope you will derive os muchpleosurefrom it qs the mul - titude of confirmed LEICA enthusiostsoll over the world .

In the LEICA M 3 you hove the utmost in photogrophic perforlhqnce, speed, ond conveniencethot we, os speciolistsin high-Wo/l6opticol precisioninstruments,con provide. Sucho comerq does ngtf come into being from one doy to the next. lt most fovourably/combines the experience of q long trodition in the design of scfntific instruments with the lotest odvonces of modern optics. lt )Gs motured through the mony thousondsof tests ond triols ot )rG honds of the elite of internotionolphotogrophers .


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Leica m3 manual