tote lens to the left, ond lift out.
2. To insert olternotive lens, ploce in positionwith red dot
(6)opposite red dot next lock- ing button (8),ond turn to the right until lock engogesoud - ibly .
C. Insertinglhe Film
l . Remove bose plote, swing open comero bock, ond with- drqw toke - up spool .
2 . Pushfilm leqder under spring of toke - up spool .
3. Insert cossette ond
4. Check thot teeth of tronsport
sprocketproperly engogef ilm perforotions,then close bock, reploce bose plote, ond lock.
5.Advonce film by two fromes to bring film counter (3) to No . 0 . The comero is then reody to shoot.
6. Set film type qnd speed on film indicotor (23).
t . Set reversinglever (5)to "R".
2. Pull out rewind knob (16)ond turn in direction of orrow un- til film is rewound,ond - of - ter overcomingo slight resist- qnce - free of
3. Open bose plote,ond remove cossette.