tote lens to the left, ond lift out.

2. To insert olternotive lens, ploce in positionwith red dot

(6)opposite red dot next lock- ing button (8),ond turn to the right until lock engogesoud - ibly .

C. Insertinglhe Film

l . Remove bose plote, swing open comero bock, ond with- drqw toke - up spool .

2 . Pushfilm leqder under spring of toke - up spool .

3. Insert cossette ond toke-up spool into comero os shown by diogrom . (Note detqiled instructionson poges 24-26).

4. Check thot teeth of tronsport

sprocketproperly engogef ilm perforotions,then close bock, reploce bose plote, ond lock.

5.Advonce film by two fromes to bring film counter (3) to No . 0 . The comero is then reody to shoot.

6. Set film type qnd speed on film indicotor (23).


t . Set reversinglever (5)to "R".

2. Pull out rewind knob (16)ond turn in direction of orrow un- til film is rewound,ond - of - ter overcomingo slight resist- qnce - free of toke-up spool.

3. Open bose plote,ond remove cossette.

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Leica m3 manual