I Film lronsport ond shutter tensioning lever

2Shutter releose button

3Film counler

4Shutter speed dicl

5Reversing lever for rewinding the film

6Red dot on boyonet mounl of lens

7Deloyed oction releose (self-timer)

8Button of boyonet lock

9lens focusing lever

lO Seleclor lever for viewfinder Aperlure scole of lens

12 Deprh of field ccole

l3 Rongefinder window

14 llluminoting window for finder fromes

l5 Viewfinder window

16 Rewind knob

17 Accessory shoe

18 Flosh socket for flssh bulbs

19 Flash socket for electronic flqsh

2O Finder eyepiece

2l s ond b: Eyelets for corrying strop

22Bqse plote locking key

23Film indicotor

24Tripod bush

25Hinged comero bock

A. Tqking the Picture

l . R e m o v et h e l e n sc o p . R e m e m - ber olso to extend ond lock t h e l e n si f c o l l o p s i b l e .

2. Set operture (l I ) ond shutter speed (4).

3 . View subiect through finder eyepiece (20) ond orronge it within the finder frome . Fo - cus lens on moin pqrt of sub - iect (9) by getting the two i m o g e sv i s i b l ei n r o n g e f i n d e r

(20)to fuse into one. 4. Releoseshutter (2).

5. Work tronsport lever (l ) to get the LEICA reody for the next exposure.

B. Chonging lenses

l . Depress locking button (8) of LEICA boyonet !'nount,ro-



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Leica m3 manual