Country or Region | Telephone Number |
Poland | |
Portugal | |
Romania | |
Russian Federation | |
Singapore | |
Slovakia | |
Slovenia | |
Spain | |
| |
| (Spanish) |
Sri Lanka | |
Sweden | Up and running support: |
| Warranty service and support: |
| (Swedish) |
Switzerland | Up and running support: |
| Warranty service and support: |
| (German, French, Italian) |
Taiwan | |
Thailand | |
Turkey | |
| (Turkish) |
United Kingdom | Up and running support: |
| Warranty service and support (hardware): |
| Warranty service and support (software): |
| (English) |
United States | |
| (English) |
Uruguay | |
Venezuela | |
Vietnam | For northern area and Hanoi: |
| For southern area and Ho Chi Minh City: |
| (English, Vietnamese) |