Operation and Status
Connection Status - PPTP
If using PPTP (Peer-to-Peer Tunneling Protocol), a screen like the following example will be
displayed when the "Connection Details" button is clicked.
Figure 32: PPTP Status Screen
Data - PPTP Status Screen
Physical Address The hardware address of this device, as seen by remote devices on
the Internet. (This is different to the hardware address seen by de-
vices on the local LAN.)
IP Address The IP Address of this device, as seen by Internet users. This ad-
dress is allocated by your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
PPTP Status This indicates whether or not the connection is currently established.
• If the connection does not exist, the "Connect" button can be
used to establish a connection.
• If the connection currently exists, the "Disconnect" button can
be used to break the connection.
Connection Log
Connection Log • The Connection Log shows status messages relating to the
existing connection.
• The "Clear Log" button will restart the Log, while the Refresh
button will update the messages shown on screen.
Connect If not connected, establish a connection to your ISP.