LevelOne Broadband Router User Guide
Conferencing & Telephony
Most applications are supported transparently by the LevelOne Broadband Router. But some-
times it is not clear which PC should receive an incoming connection. This problem could arise
with the following Conferencing & Telephony applications:
• CUseeME
• ICU II (ICU 2)
• Internet Phone
• mIRC
• MS NetMeeting
• Yahoo Messenger
If this problem arises, you can use this screen to set which PC should receive an incoming
connection, as described below.
Conferencing & Telephony
Select an Appl ication This lists applications which may generate incoming connections,
where the destination (on your local LAN) is unknown.
Send incoming calls to This lists the PCs on your LAN.
• If necessary, you can add PCs manually, using the "PC
Database" option on the advanced menu.
• For each application listed above, you can choose a destina-
tion PC.
• There is no need to "Save" after each change; you can set the
destination PC for each application, then click "Save".