TroubleshootingThis section helps you solve problems you may have with the All-In-One.
Additional troubleshooting information is available in the Lexmark Solution
Center. For help accessing the Lexmark Solution Center, see page 8.
Troubleshooting checklist
Before you try to solve the problem, check the following:
Is the power supply firmly attached to the All-In-One and an
electrical outlet?
Are both the computer and All-In-One on?
Is the USB cable securely attached to the computer and the
Did you remove the sticker and transparent tape from the print
cartridge? For help, refer to the setup documentation.
Is the color cartridge secure in the left carrier?
Is the black print cartridge secure in the right carrier, if you
installed both?
Is the paper loaded correctly? Make sure you do not force the
paper into the printer.
Did you install the printer software correctly? For help, refer to the
setup documentation.
Is the Lexmark X1100 Series set as the default? To check, click
Start Settings Printers. If not, you need to remov e and then
reinstall the software. For help, see page26.