
to print


an alignment page.









You may discard the alignment page after it prints.


If you are using your All-In-One without a computer, you are finished.

If you are using your All-In-One with a computer, continue to step 12.

Make sure your

13 Connect the USB cable.

computer is on.

14 Important!

Click Cancel on all New Hardware screens.

Windows 98/Me

Windows 2000/XP

Note: New Hardware screens appear only for Windows users. For Macintosh, continue to step 15.

Insert the CD. Follow the

15 instructions on your computer screen.

If you inserted the CD and the install screen did not appear (Windows):

1Click Cancel on any New Hardware screens.

2Eject and reinsert the All-In-One software CD.

If the All-In-One software install screen does not appear:

a From your desktop, double-click My Computer (In Windows XP, click Start à My Computer).

b Double-click the CD-ROM drive icon. If necessary, double-click setup.exe. c When the All-In-One software installation screen appears, click Install.

d Follow the instructions on the screen.

If you inserted the CD and the install screen did not appear (Mac):

1From your desktop, double-click the Lexmark 5200 Series Installer icon.

2Double-click Install and follow the instructions on the screen.

Setup Troubleshooting




The Power light is

Is the power cord pushed all

Disconnect the power cord from

not lit

the way into the All-In-One?

the wall outlet, and then from



the All-In-One. Reconnect the



power cord by pushing it all the



way into the connector on the



All-In-One, and then into the



wall outlet.





Is the All-In-One connected to

Connect the All-In-One to an


a working electrical outlet?

electrical outlet that other



electrical devices have been







Software will not

Is your operating system

The All-In-One supports these


compatible with the All-In-

operating systems:



Windows 98





Windows Me



Windows 2000



Windows XP



• Mac OS X version 10.1.5



• Mac OS X version 10.2.3 and








Alignment page or

Is the All-In-One on?

Press the Power button. If the

test page will not


Power light does not come on,



see the “The Power light is not



lit” symptom at the beginning of

Have a question?

Refer to your User’s Guide.

Visit our Web site: http://support.lexmark.com/.

Call us at 1-800-332-4120. Monday-Friday (9:00 AM - 9:00 PM EST) Saturday (Noon-6:00 PM EST)

Note: Phone number and support times may change without notice.

Record the following information (located on your store receipt and the back of your printer) and have it ready when you contact us so that we may serve you faster:

Machine Type number

Serial number

Date purchased

Store where purchased

Need more ink?

The following cartridges work with your printer.



















this table.


Do you see an error

See “Error messages



troubleshooting” in your User’s








Is your All-In-One connected

Disconnect the USB cable from


to your computer through

any other devices and directly


another device, such as a

connect it between the All-In-


USB hub or switch box?

One and your computer. For



help, see step 13.





Did you remove the sticker

Remove the print cartridges,


and tape from the bottom of

check for the sticker and tape


each print cartridge?

and then reinsert them. For


Are the print cartridges

help, see step 8 and step 9.




installed properly?





Is the paper loaded correctly? See step 6.




The control panel

Did you select a language?

1 Press the Power button to

displays text in the


turn on the All-In-One.

wrong language


2 Press and hold both the





Power and Cancel buttons



for 10 seconds. Language



text appears on the display.



3 Press the + button repeatedly



until the language you want



appears on the display.



4 Press the Arrow button to



select that language.

P/N 21D0070 E.C. 21D005

© 2004 Lexmark International, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Lexmark 5200 manual Setup Troubleshooting, Have a question?, Need more ink?, Visit our Web site http//support.lexmark.com