If you would like to have the ability to connect to your local network and to a VPN at the same time, then request
the system support person for the VPN to allow split tunneling. Be aware that some organizations will not allow split
tunneling due to security or technical concerns.
TURN OFF THE ACCESS POINT (WIRELESS ROUTER) AND TURN IT BACK ONWait one minute for the printer and computer to reestabli sh the connection. This can sometimes refresh netwo rk
connections and resolve connectivity issues.
If a wireless network is too busy, then the compu ter and printer may have difficulty communicating with each other.
Some causes of wireless network congestion can include:
•Transferring large files across the net work
•Networked games
•Peer‑to‑peer file swapping applications
•Streaming video
•Too many computers on the wireless network at once
Common household items can potentially disrupt wireless netw ork communications. Cordless phones (but not
cellular phones), microwave ovens, baby monitors, almost any kitchen appliance, wire less surveillance equipment,
nearby wireless networks, and any appliance containing a motor can di srupt wireless network communications.
Try turning on any potential sources of interference and see if it causes the problem. If it does, then separate your
wireless network from the device.
CHANGE THE CHANNEL THE ACCESS POINT USESYou can sometimes eliminate interference from unknown sourc es by changing the channel your access point uses
to broadcast. There are three distinct channels on a router. See the documentation that came with your router to
determine which three apply. Other channels are offered as options , but these overlap. If the router is configured
to use the default settings, then change the channel setting to use a diffe rent distinct channel. If you are not sure
how to change the channel, then see the documentation that came with yo ur access point.
CONFIGURE THE ACCESS POINT WITH A UNIQUE SSIDMany wireless networks use the SSID that the router was originally configure d by the manufacturer to use. Using
the default SSID can cause problems when more than one network is operating in the same area with the same SSID.
The printer or computer may attempt to attach to the wrong network, although it will appear to be trying to connect
to the correct net work.
To avoid this type of interference, change the SSID on you r access point from the default. If you are not sure how to
change the SSID, then see the documentation that came with your access point.
Note: You must change the SSID on all of the other devices that acc ess your wireless network if you change the
SSID on the access point.
Troubleshooting 165