LG Electronics 2 Notes When Transferring to a TV, Error code, Description, Actions, Information

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Using LG EzSign 2.0 Editor 11


Notes When Transferring to a TV


In EzSign 2.0 Editor, you can select a TV to

It may take longer than 5 minutes depending


send content files to.


on the size of content playlist to transfer or the


You can transfer the same or different content

network environment.


files to all the TVa scanned. After transfer, all

Even when transferring to a TV in the list, the


the existing content files saved on the TV are


transfer may fail depending on the network or

replaced with the new files.


TV condition. If the transfer fails, check the

If an error occurs during transfer, a pop-up


error code displayed on the screen and follow


message will appear and the previous file is


its instructions.









The PC and the TV must be connected to the

Error code




same router.










The router IP address must be configured to





To check the TV's serial number, select Menu >


TV busy

The TV is performing a


Customer Support > Product/Service




network operation. Try





again later.

If this is the first time Export to TV is used, an




If this reoccurs, turn the

empty TV list will be displayed.




TV off and back on.

If you proceed to another step and return dur-







Network error

Check the PC, TV, and


ing checking transfer availability, checking is





router network connec-










The TV name will first be displayed as its serial







If this reoccurs, turn the


number. You can change it as desired (up to 16








TV off and back on.


characters) by clicking the cell.





Editor error

An error has occurred

It may take more than a minute to scan


automatically according to the network




during file transfer.


environment. If the network is not strong




Restart EzSign Editor.


enough, the TV Auto Scan function may fail to


TV error



search all of the TVs connected to the router. If







this happens, retry TV Auto Scan or select Add








Setting to reset the


+TV to manually input an IP.







EzSign TV.

TVs which already exist in the list are not added





PC error

An error has occurred


again, even when detected during Auto Scan.




during file editing. Reboot

To add a TV manually, enter its IP address.







the PC.

Depending on the network or TV condition, the





IP search may fail.


TV error

An error has occurred


If this happens, check the network environment




during file reception.

and try again.




Restart the EzSign TV.

If the Preview function is used for each step,







the Preview window will be displayed for 5 min-







utes and will close automatically.






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LG Electronics 2 manual Notes When Transferring to a TV, Error code, Description, Actions, Customer Support Product/Service