Press the GG buttonand then use FFor GGbutton to
make appropriate adjustments.
* SSeelleeccttiinngg tthhee FFrroonntt SSuurrrroouunndd
Press the GG buttonand then use FFor GGbutton to
select OOffff,,33DD EEcchhooSSoouunndd SSyysstteemmor SSRRSS(Sound
Retrieval System)TTrruuSSuurrrroouunndd XXTT.
Press EEXXIITTbutton to return to TV viewing or press
MMEENNUUbutton to return to the previous menu.
front Surround 3D EchoSound System
SSRRSS TTrruuSSuurrrroouunndd XXTT
Takes advantage of any multi-channel format without
needing to add extra speakers or equipment. Dialog
clarity, bass enrichment, and the addition of stereo
audio enhancement produces an immersive sound
experience from standard stereo material.
33DD EEcchhooSSoouunndd SSyysstteemm
Creates a stunning simulated stereo effect from any
mono sound and a realistic three-dimensional sound
with a very wide and deep sound stage.