TThhee aauuddiioo ffuunnccttiioonn ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk..
TThhee DDVVRR ffuunnccttiioonn ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk..
APress the VOL ++ or--button.
ASound muted? Press MUTE button.
ATry another channel. The problem may be with the broadcast.
AAre the audio cables installed properly?
AAdjust BBaallaanncceein menu option.
AA change in ambient humidity or temperature may result in an unusual noise
when the TV is switched on or off and does not indicate a fault with the TV.
ACheck HDMI cable over version 1.2.
ACheck USB cable over version 2.0.
Picture OK & No sound
Unusual sound from
inside the TV
No sound when
connecting HDMI
or USB
No output from one
of the speakers
AFormat Hard Disk Drive.
Note that all the contents recorded on the HDD will be erased.
If this does not fix the problem, contact your nearest LG dealer.
ACheck the Recording Space by pressing the DVR button.
If there is no remaining space for recording, delete any unnecessary programmes
on the Recorded TV List.
Check the number of programmes on the Recorded TV List.
The Maximum number of recordings is 255 on the Recorded TV List.
HDD Failure
Schedule Rec./Instant
Rec. does not start.
TThheerree iiss aa pprroobblleemm iinn PPCC mmooddee.. ((OOnnllyy PPCC mmooddee aapppplliieedd))
AAdjust resolution, horizontal frequency, or vertical frequency.
ACheck the input source.
AUse Auto configure or adjust clock, phase, or H/V position. (Option)
ACheck the signal cable.
AReinstall the PC video card.
The signal is out of range
(Invalid format)
Screen colour is unstable
or single colour
Vertical bar or stripe on
background &
Horizontal Noise &
Incorrect position
*This feature is not available for all models.
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