yyCleaning | yyDot Defect |
| ||||
When cleaning, unplug the power cord and | The Plasma or LCD panel is a high | |||||
wipe gently with a soft cloth to prevent | technology product with resolution of two | |||||
scratching. Do not spray water or other | million to six million pixels. In a very few | |||||
liquids directly on the TV as electric shock | cases, you could see fine dots on the screen | |||||
may occur. Do not clean with chemicals | while you’re viewing the TV. Those dots | |||||
such as alcohol, thinners or benzine. | are deactivated pixels and do not affect the | |||||
yyMoving | performance and reliability of the TV. | |||||
Make sure the product is turned off, | yyGenerated Sound | |||||
unplugged and all cables have been | “Cracking” noise: A cracking noise that | |||||
removed. It may take 2 or more people to | occurs when watching or turning off the TV | |||||
carry larger TVs. Do not press or put stress | is generated by plastic thermal contraction | |||||
on the front panel of the TV. | due to temperature and humidity. This noise | |||||
yyVentilation | is common for products where thermal | |||||
Install your TV where there is proper | deformation is required. | |||||
ventilation. Do not install in a confined | Electrical circuit humming/panel buzzing: A | |||||
space such as a bookcase. Do not cover the | low level noise is generated from a high- | |||||
product with cloth or other materials while | speed switching circuit, which supplies a | |||||
plugged. Do not install in excessively dusty | large amount of current to operate a product. | |||||
places. | It varies depending on the product. | |||||
yyIf you smell smoke or other odors coming | This generated sound does not affect the | |||||
from the TV, unplug the power cord and | performance and reliability of the product. | |||||
contact an authorized service center. | yyTake care not to touch the ventilation | |||||
yyDo not press strongly upon the panel with a | openings. When watching the TV for a long | |||||
hand or a sharp object such as a nail, pencil | period, the ventilation openings may become | |||||
or pen, or make a scratch on it. | hot. This does not affect the performance of | |||||
yyKeep the product away from direct sunlight. | the product or cause defects in the product. | |||||
| yyIf the TV feels cold to the touch, there may | |
| ||
| be a small “flicker” when it is turned on. This | |
| is normal, there is nothing wrong with TV. | |
| ||
| ||
| Some minute dot defects may be visible on | |
yyNever touch this apparatus or antenna during | the screen, appearing as tiny red, green, or | |||||
a thunder or lightning storm. | blue spots. However, they have no adverse | |||||
yyWhen mounting a TV on the wall, make sure | effect on the TV’s performance. Avoid | |||||
not to install the TV by hanging the power | touching the LCD screen or holding your | |||||
and signal cables on the back of the TV. | finger(s) against it for long periods of time. | |||||
yyDo not allow an impact shock or any objects | Doing so may produce some temporary | |||||
to fall into the product, and do not drop | distortion effects on the screen. | |||||
anything onto the screen. |