Reply as Template: You can
reply with a template message
to the recipient of the selected
Delete: You can delete the
selected message.
Call Sender: you can call
the recipient of the selected
Move: You can move to Saved
Message or USIM depending
on where the text message is
Use Detail: You can view the
following information about
received messages: Number,
Email Address, and Web
Forward: You can forward the
selected message to another
Copy as Template: Selected
message will be saved as a
Text Template.
Message Info.: You can view
the following information about
received messages: message
Type, Subject, From, and
message Time.
New Message: You can
create directly a new
Mark/Unmark: You can
mark/ unmark in the message
list to delete or move the
messages at once.
My Mailbox
Mobile Email allows you to
access your Yahoo! Mail,
Yahoo! Mail, Windows Live
Hotmail, accounts on your
phone. So, now you can
quickly and easily check your
email while you are away from
your computer.
Allows you to view and edit the
messages saved as drafts.