Instant Messaging 
]Mood: You may select your current mood as in Happy, Sad, Angry, Jealous, Invincible, In Love, Sleepy, etc.
]Status Text: You may set your current status in free text format.
]Save Password: You may save your password in Login input.
]Connection: You may set your IM connection information.
But, please check with your Network provider before changing this information.
When you select Binding Protocol as SMS
-Binding Protocol: You can select the Bearer type such as SMS, HTTP or Automatic.
-SMS Gateway Number: You can change the SMS gateway number.
-Message Center Number: You can change the Message Center Number.
When you select Binding Protocol as HTTP
-Binding Protocol: You can select the Bearer type such as SMS, HTTP or Automatic.
-WV Server: You can change the WV Server address.
-Internet Profiles: You can change internet connection settings.
When you select Binding Protocol as Automatic
-Binding Protocol: Phone will automatically select Bearer type such as SMS or HTTP.
IM Information
Instant Messaging Client Information (Client Name, Version Number) is displayed.