54>> Call Menu
]Log In
1. Tap and type your exiting email ID.
2. Tap the Password filed and type your password.
nQuick tip
Your password is case sensitive. Tap the keypad to change to lower case or upper
3. Tap to highlight the Remember me and tap [Mark] to save your password.
4. Tap the [Sign in]
You can choose [Inbox], [Drafts], [Sent] and [Trash]. Tap [Options] to select
Read, Delete or Compose New.
]Opening an Email: Tap [Read] after highlighting the email subject line you
want to open by scrolling the bar. Once the email opens, select [Options] to
reply, Forward, Delete.
]Deleting an Email: Tap the email you want to delete by scrolling down the
key and tap [Options]-[Delete].
For additional details, visit att.com/wireless