You can play 5 games With this DVD player
To play a game :
1.Press SETUP. The Setup menu appears.
2.Use v / V to select the “Other” option then press B to move to the second level.
3.Use v / V to select the “GAME” option then press B to move to the third level.
4.Press ENTER when the “Select” option is highlighted. The game menu appears on the TV screen.
5.Use v / V to select the desired game then press
6.Press RETURN to return to the previous.
You control the unit which bounces the ball. Your objective is to clear all the blocks on the screen.
Key configuration:
ENTER: Fires the ball.
b: Moves the unit to the left.
B: Moves the unit to the right.
V: Changes to lower level.
v: Changes to upper level
You control the flying unit. Your objective is to eleminate all the enemy’s flying unit on the TV screen.
Key configuration:
ENTER: Fires missile.
b: Moves the unit to the left.
B: Moves the unit to the right.
V: Changes to lower level.
v: Changes to upper level
Black jack
Black jack is a card game. The one whose cards add closest to 21 wins the game. The player and the banker get dealt two cards each. The player then chooses to receive another card (Hit) or use what was dealt (Stand). You can get as many cards as you can.
Key configuration:
ENTER: Start game
b: Hit
B: Stand
The basical game instruction is to connect 3 blocks with same color. The connected blocks with same color will be disappeard then get the points.
Your objective is to get points as many as you can.
Key configuration:
ENTER: Rotate
b: Move blocks to the left.
B: Move blocks to the right.
How to play Othello is that you place one of your chips on the board, adjacement to an opponent’s chip so as to capture the opponent’s line of chips betweeen one of your own already on the board and the new one. This play continues until the board is completely full of chips.
Key configuration:
ENTER: Select.
b / B / v / V: Move the Curser.