Configuration Options via Command Line (Cont.)

(Continued from previous page)

2.At the prompt for confirmation, either:

Type y and press Enter if you want to run an RF scan. Continue with step 3.

Type n and press Enter to return to the Setup Command prompt without scanning for RF channels.

3.At the Enter tuner for VHF scan [1] > prompt, either press Enter to accept the default value in square brackets, or type the number of the tuner on which to run the VHF scan, and then, press Enter.

4.At the Enter tuner for UHF scan [1] > prompt, either press Enter to accept the default value in square brackets, or type the number of the tuner on which to run the UHF scan, and then, press Enter.

Once you specify the tuner for the UHF scan, the system will display the following reminder before initiating the scan:

This will take several minutes to complete. Please be patient.

When the scan is complete, the system displays a listing of the channels and programs found for the selected tuner(s), for example:

Channel scan completed successfully. Scan found a total of 9 channels.

Channel 7 programs: 1 2 3

Channel 17 programs: 3 5

Channel 19 programs: 3 4

Channel 21 programs: 1 2 3

Channel 27 programs: 3 4 5 6 7

Channel 36 programs: 1 2 4

Channel 43 programs: 3 4 5 100 101 200 209 300 301 302

Channel 44 programs: 1 2 3

Channel 47 programs: 3 4 5 6 7 8

Configure the IP Output

IP Output Configuration Menu options enable you to view and/or modify the IP output configuration for your system. Each of the menu options is described on the pages that follow.

Note: Ensure the output mode also has been set accordingly. See “Set the Output Mode” on page 49 for further information.

Access the IP Output Configuration Menu

1. At the Setup Command > prompt, type ipout and press Enter.

2. At the IP Output Command > prompt, either:

Press Enter to display the IP Output Configuration Menu (see example on following page).

Type the desired command and press Enter.

