EZ-Manager Wizard (Cont.)

(Continued from previous page)

Note: If, after completing the search, the STB is unable to find the Pro:Centric data channel (while the Searching for Pro:Centric Server screen is on display), the wizard will stop and show a Diagnostics screen that enables you to manually return to the previous screen (to reinitiate the configuration) or exit the wizard.

When the Pro:Centric Configuration is complete, an EZ-Manager Configuration Complete screen is displayed, and after 10 seconds, the wizard exits, and the STB turns OFF.

Note: With the EZ-Manager Configuration Complete screen on display, you can also manually turn off or reboot the STB. If desired, select Turn Off or Reboot, respectively, and then press OK on the Installer Remote.

Manual Pro:Centric Configuration

1.With the Searching for Pro:Centric Server screen on display, use the arrow keys on the Installer Remote to select/highlight the Manual Pro:Centric option at the bottom right of the screen, and press OK.

In the Pro:Centric Manual Configuration screen (see examples at right below and on following page), you will be able to configure the appropriate Pro:Centric settings in the STB. Use the Up/Down arrow keys on the Installer Remote to navigate between fields.

2.In the Pro:Centric Mode field, use the Left/Right arrow keys to select the appropriate Pro:Centric Application Mode—

GEM, FLASH, HTML, or Configuration Only.

Note: For remote management only, select “Configuration

Only.” The STB will search for TV E-Z Installation data downloads; however, Pro:Centric application data will not be downloaded, i.e., Installer Menu item 098 PRO:CENTRIC will be set to 0.

3.Refer to the appropriate subsection below, depending on the

Pro:Centric server configuration, to complete the remaining fields.

RF Configuration

EZ-Manager Wizard

1 2 3 4

EZ-Manager Configuration Complete

The TV will turn off in

3 second(s).

Installed Components

Pro:Centric Application

GEM application downloaded

Maintenance Files




Turn Off




EZ-Manager Wizard

1 2 3 4

Searching for Pro:Centric Server...

It may take 1 min 32 second(s).

This step automatically searches for the Pro:Centric server.

If there is no Pro:Centric Server installed, you do not need to continue with this procedure. Please select either ‘Exit’ or ‘Manual Pro:Centric’.

Status : Tuning channel 49

TV is now searching all of the channels for the data channel...





Manual Pro:Centric






EZ-Manager Wizard

1 2 3 4

Pro:Centric Manual Configuration

Pro:Centric Mode





Media Type








Data Channel













Signal Strength












Signal Quality







No signal





































Pro:Centric Manual Configuration Screen with

RF Media Fields

a)In the Media Type field, use the Left/Right arrow keys to select RF.

b)In the Data Channel field, either key in or use the Left/

Right arrow keys to select the RF channel number that will be used by the Pro:Centric server as its data channel. The Data Channel value can be set from 1 to 135. *

(Continued on next page)

*PCS150R and later Pro:Centric servers do not support HRC or IRC cable channel frequencies.

