2. Contact List
Allows you to view your Contact List.
1. Press


2. Choose from the following options:
● Press to scroll through your Contacts alphabetically.
● OptionsPress Right Soft Key to select one of
the following:
Send Message/ Delete/ Edit/ Delete Multiple/ Send via Bluetooth/ Set Speed Dial
● Press View to view the highlighted contact's information.
● NewPr ss Left Soft Key to create a new
3. Groups
Allows you to view your grouped Contacts, add a new group, change the name of a group, or delete a whole group.
1. Press ,
2. Choose from the following options:
● Use to highlight a View group, then press
to view the contacts in the selected group.
● NewPr ss Left Soft Key to add a new group.
●Use to highlight a
group, then pressOptionsRight
Soft Key to choose from the following options:
Delete/ Send Message/
Rename Group/ Set Ringtone/
Delete All