8. World Clock
Allows you to determine the current time in another time zone or city.
1.Press , , .
2.Press Right Soft Key
Cities to select a specific city and display the date/time in that location.
2.Use to scroll through all available cities on the map.
3.Press Left Soft Key Set DST to adjust for Daylight Savings Time, if needed.
9. Stopwatch
Allows you to use your phone as a stopwatch.
1.Press , , .
2.Press Start to start, and press Stop to stop.
●You can use the Lap function by pressingLap Left
Soft Key to
record up to 20 laps and lap times.
3.Press Right Soft Key Reset to reset.
0. Unit Converter
Allows you to measure Length, Area, Mass, Volume, Velocity and Temperature.
1.Press , , .
2.For unit conversion, highlight and enter the known units in the corresponding field, the conversions will automatically populate.