LG Electronics UX840H, MMBB0339801(1.0) manual Phone Overview

Models: UX840H MMBB0339801(1.0)

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Phone Overview


When the LCD screen is off,



touch keys are deactivated.



Press the Unlock Key ( ) to



turn on the Touch Screen and



touch keys.


The Screen Lock feature



protects against accidental key



presses during phone calls with



the flip closed.


Keep metal and other


conductive material away from

the surface of touch keys




because contact may cause

electronic interference.










Do not put heavy objects on the Touch Screen.

Do not sit on your phone because it may damage the Touch Screen.

Do not drag or scratch your phone with any sharp materials.

Do not keep your phone in extreme conditions (places that are too humid, hot, or cold).

Keep chemicals away from your phone because they may change the cosmetic or functional features of your phone.


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LG Electronics UX840H, MMBB0339801(1.0) manual Phone Overview