LG Electronics MMBB0339801(1.0) Touch Messaging and Outbox, Phone number in your Contacts

Models: UX840H MMBB0339801(1.0)

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4. Outbox

Up to 100 messages (50 sent SMS messages + 50 sent MMS messages) can be stored in the Outbox folder. View the contents of sent messages and verify whether the transmission was successful or not.

1.Touch Messaging and Outbox.

2.Touch an Outbox message. While viewing the selected

Outbox message, touch Resend or touch .

Play Again Allows you to play the sound or the picture.

Delete Deletes the selected message.

Forward Forwards a received message to other destination address(es).

Save Contact Choose New Entry/ Existing Entry to save the

phone number in your Contacts.

Save Media Choose Image/ Audio to save the attached media to your phone. (Only for messages with Images or Audio attached.)

Lock/Unlock Locks or unlocks the selected message.

Go to website Accesses the website by starting Axcess Web. (Only for messages containing a URL.)

Extract Address Allows you to extract address from the sent message.

Message Info Shows the message's Type, Priority, Status Subject, Size and Attachment.

C o m m u n i c a te


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LG Electronics MMBB0339801(1.0), UX840H manual Touch Messaging and Outbox, Delete Deletes the selected message