LG Electronics MMBB0339801(1.0), UX840H manual New Text Message, Templates, Delete All

Models: UX840H MMBB0339801(1.0)

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Touch Clear to clear the voice mail count.

Touch Call to listen to the message(s).

7. Templates

Allows you to display, edit, and add text phrases. These text strings allow you to reduce manual text input into messages.

1.Touch Messaging and Templates.

2.Touch New to add new template.

3.After adding new template, touch Save to save it.

8. Delete All

Allows you to erase all the messages stored in your Inbox, Outbox, or Drafts messages folders. You can also erase all messages at the same time.

1.Touch Messaging and Delete All.

2.Touch Delete Inbox/ Delete Outbox/ Delete Drafts/ Delete All Messages.

New Text Message

Refer to page 42~43 for more information.

1.Touch .

2.Touch .

C o m m u n i c a te


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LG Electronics MMBB0339801(1.0), UX840H manual New Text Message, Delete All, Touch Messaging and Templates