14 VX8300
Getting Started with Your Phone
The Battery
NOTE It’s important to fully charge the battery before
using the phone for the first time.
The phone comes with a rechargeable battery.
Keep it charged even while you’re not using it so
that it’s ready when you need it.
NOTE Battery life and signal strength are significant
factors (among others) that affect your phone’s
ability to send/receive calls.
Installing the Battery
Insert the bottom of the battery into the opening on
the back of the phone, then push the battery down
until the latch clicks.
Removing the Battery
Turn the phone off. Slide the battery cover
downward and remove it. Press the top part of the
battery to remove it.
Charging the Battery
To use the charger provided with your phone:
WWaarrnniinngg!! UUssee oonnllyy tthhee cchhaarrggeerr pprroovviiddeedd wwiitthh tthhee
VVXX88330000 pphhoonnee.. UUssiinngg aannyy ootthheerr cchhaarrggeerr ccoouulldd
yyoouurr pphhoonnee oorr bbaatttteerryy..
1. Plug one end of the AC adapter into the phone’s
charger port and the other into an electrical
2. Charge time varies depending upon the battery
Please use only an approved charging accessory to charge your
LG phone.
Improper handling of the charging port, as well as the use of an
incompatible charger, may cause damage to your phone and void
the warranty.
Triangle symbol
should face up.
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